A beautiful encounter with the Siberian Viper (Gloydius halys) in the steppe of central Mongolia.
This is one of the numerous species we see during our expeditions.
Siberian Ibex in Altai Mountains, Mongolia
Two little footages of Siberian Ibex captured by our trail-camera in the Altai Mountains in Mongolia.
Too hot for Argali sheep!
When temperatures rise in the Mongolian Altai, the argali sheep (Ovis ammon) try to remove their winter coats. We obtained several videos where a great number of argali were trying to remove their wool rubbing against this rock!
A rare footage of a snow leopards MARKING AND ROARING!
This video was recorded during a project implemented jointly by Snow Leopard Conservancy, Wildlife Initiative, and Irbis Mongolia, focused on human-carnivore conflict in the Mongolian Altai. It is not very common hearing a snow leopard emitting a roar-like sound!
Mongolian gazelle in the Mongolia-Manchurian Grassland Ecoregion
Diaries from the steppe.
Today we present to you another charismatic species.
The Mongolian Gazelle.
Jerboa digging its den
Jerboa (Allactaga sibirica) digs its den in the open steppe areas.
The secrets life of Pallas's cat
This grumpy cat is among the least known cat species on the planet!
Leader of Wildlife Initiative International and Executive Director of Wildlife Initiative Mongolia.
Claudio is the co-founder of Wildlife Initiative International.
As an ecologist he has a great experience in working on Mongolian carnivores. Since 2012, he mainly worked on the snow leopard and the Pallas’s cat. He is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), a member of the Steering Committee of the Manul Working Group, and a member of the Snow Leopard Network. He holds collaborations with many researchers and conservation institutions across the world and he is a partner of Snow Leopard Conservancy. As the Wildlife Initiative leader, he coordinates the activities of the NGO throughout the four continents, taking part in the field work and managing the relationships with all the stakeholders. He has been living with his family in Mongolia since 2013.