Become a supporter

We depend on the generous support of organisations, companies, privates, that share our mission for protecting endangered species.

We offer many unique sponsorship opportunities. Learn more about becoming a Wildlife Initiative supporter by visiting our sponsorships page.

Our supporters

Protecting nature; raising awareness; initiating and coordinating conservation and research programmes; providing financial and material support to nature protection associations. These are just some of the missions and actions performed by Beauval Nature in collaboration with many other committed parties from across the globe, in the name of biodiversity.

Wildlife Protection Solutions is an international wildlife conservation non-profit, headquartered in Colorado, whose mission is to use technology for the conservation of endangered species and ecosystems. Our team of conservation tech experts has developed a mobile and desktop app to fight wildlife crime in real-time we call wpsWatch. We help provide 24/7 wildlife monitoring wildlife reserves using custom camera traps and software which can detect wildlife threats and prompt an immediate response to active intrusions and illegal activities.

Abbiamo tutti una storia da raccontare, che nasce dalle avventure, dai nuovi incontri e dalle esperienze. Aspiriamo ad avventurarci con coraggio e di aprire le nostre menti a nuovi modi di interagire con il mondo. È nella nostra natura esplorare, testare i nostri limiti, vedere cosa c’è oltre. Ogni percorso accresce lo spirito, facendo spazio per nuovi pensieri ed espandere i nostri orizzonti. La nostra missione in Parajumpers è quella di creare prodotti che resistano agli elementi che trovi sul tuo percorso e di spingerti alla ricerca di nuove mete, di essere protagonista della tua storia e di ispirarti lungo il percorso. Stiamo costruendo un’eredità ispirata dal rispetto, performance e passione, tutto For Your Journey.

Nata da un’esperienza di oltre trent’anni nel mondo dell’agricoltura biologica e biodinamica, è il maggior distributore italiano specializzato. È conosciuta in tutta Italia, e non solo, grazie ai propri marchi e alle numerose attività e iniziative a favore del bio e dell’agricoltura. Bio per noi significa prendersi cura della Terra ma anche di tutti gli esseri viventi che la abitano. Nessuno escluso.

Dal 1963, Monge e' l'azienda leader in Italia per la produzione di alimenti per cani e gatti

Join our Wildlife Initiative community and get access to some exclusive behind the scenes content, tips & tricks from our experts, and travel stories that we only share with our supporters. You will be the first to know about news from the field, special offers and giveaways.

Supporters benefits

Support Wildlife Initiative's work with a tax deductible donation and learn how you can align yourselves with our visuals and our audience.

A sponsorship with Wildlife Initiative is a unique and impactful way to position your organisation as a supporter of endangered species, the environment and a solid-based scientific research work. We value your support very highly, that's why we offer a wide range of benefits.

Take a look by yourself

Members of your company will be invited to Mongolia to visit the Pallas’s cat project area.

Dedicated contents

Exclusive access to photos and videos you can use to promote your contribution to Wildlife Initiative.

More Contents

Coffee Table Books, beautiful and educational. High quality pdf on species and our work, personalized posters that bring wildlife to your office.

Worldwide visibility

Your company will be mentioned as the funding supporters at any report related to the project you support. See our research partners, as we collaborate with many institutes and other NGO’s worldwide.

Media Visibility

Your logo will be on the expedition apparel (for the project/s you will support) and will be reported in every video-documentary related to the project.

Web audience

Your logo will be on each page of our website and linked to yours media channels.

About us.
More from our press archive.