We believe that partnerships are the center of our activity. Through the work implemented in Mongolia, we hold collaborations with more than a dozen government and non-government organizations worldwide. We are open to “field Partners” that can support us giving visibility to our NGO, collaborating in the research field and with research costs, donating equipment and analyzing research data and conservation issues.
As a rigorous scientific research is the base for good conservation actions, we are glad to collaborate with so many researchers or departments of the following Institutes:
Southern Illinois University (USA) - University of Lausanne (CH) - University of Florence (IT) - Mongolia Academy of Science (MNG) - University of Lubumbashi (DRC) - University of Bologna (IT) - University of Udine (IT) - University of Palermo(IT) - University of Pisa (IT) - Muse (IT) - National University of Mongolia (MNG) - Altai Institute for Research and Conservation (USA) - Rakuno Gakuen University (JPN) - Natural History museum of Denmark (DK)
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Leader of Wildlife Initiative International and Executive Director of Wildlife Initiative Mongolia.
Claudio is the co-founder of Wildlife Initiative International.
As an ecologist he has a great experience in working on Mongolian carnivores. Since 2012, he mainly worked on the snow leopard and the Pallas’s cat. He is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), a member of the Steering Committee of the Manul Working Group, and a member of the Snow Leopard Network. He holds collaborations with many researchers and conservation institutions across the world and he is a partner of Snow Leopard Conservancy. As the Wildlife Initiative leader, he coordinates the activities of the NGO throughout the four continents, taking part in the field work and managing the relationships with all the stakeholders. He has been living with his family in Mongolia since 2013.