Embark with us on an epic journey that will last forever in your heart
We offer unique, small group expeditions for travelers and curious people to remote and pristine destinations and cultures in our work areas... Your participation in a Wildlife Initiative Expedition will send you home with a wealth of natural history knowledge, world-class wildlife sightings, unique cultural encounters and fun stories.
Discover the magic of the unknown and do something concrete to preserve it
We preserve wildlife and habitats involving local communities while undertaking conservation measures based on scientific evidence.
We can do this by supporting sustainable travel.
Ecotourism can be a fundamental support for conservation
Participating in one of our expeditions, not only means to observe from a distance, but you will also be called to action!! Part of the participation fee will be used on the project and you'll get the possibility to follow and help the Wildlife Initiative team on the field, as well as being involved in the local community life.
Covid-19 update
We are taking the precautions regarding the pandemic situation seriously, so due to travel restrictions, our expedition plan for 2021 has changed. Please contact us for more information or any questions about our Ecotourism program.
Leader of Wildlife Initiative International and Executive Director of Wildlife Initiative Mongolia.
Claudio is the co-founder of Wildlife Initiative International.
As an ecologist he has a great experience in working on Mongolian carnivores. Since 2012, he mainly worked on the snow leopard and the Pallas’s cat. He is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), a member of the Steering Committee of the Manul Working Group, and a member of the Snow Leopard Network. He holds collaborations with many researchers and conservation institutions across the world and he is a partner of Snow Leopard Conservancy. As the Wildlife Initiative leader, he coordinates the activities of the NGO throughout the four continents, taking part in the field work and managing the relationships with all the stakeholders. He has been living with his family in Mongolia since 2013.