Wildlife Initiative operates with the purpose of protecting wildlife involving the local community and undertaking conservation measures based on scientific evidence
Save the Pallas's Cat!
Leading the conservation and research project “Status and Conservation of Pallas’s Cat in the Central Mongolian Steppe” in Tov, Mongolia in partnership with the Mongolian Academy of Science (Mongolia) and the Southern Illinois University (USA).
A research project aimed to estimate the snow leopard density and occupancy by method of camera trap in western Mongolia, in partnership with the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), the MUSe (Italy), the Mongolian Academy of Science (Mongolia).
Ecology and Conservation of Lions and Large Mammals in Namibia: from Woodland to Desert
Human and herding activities intersect with those of wildlife, often leading to conflicts. Large carnivores are particularly prone to generate human conflicts because of their large spatial needs and food requirements.
Human-Forest Elephant Conflict Mitigation in the Equatorial and Atlantic Forest of the Democratic Republic of Congo
The African continent hosts more than 30% of the planet's tropical forests, and in particular, the Congolese equatorial forest is an hotspot of biodiversity.
Our goal is to conserve threatened and less known species and restore the ecosystems they live in. Our mission is to work in areas with factors limiting the effectiveness of researches and conservation due to any reason ranging from lack of infrastructures to hash weather or country instability.
Threatened and less known species need the effort of each of us to survive. We dedicate our life to them, and together with you, we can realize our goals.
The Pallas’s Cat in the wild of Mongolia – Interview with our Claudio Augugliaro! Our Executive Director, Claudio Augugliaro, was recently interviewed by Andy Varvel,
Leader of Wildlife Initiative International and Executive Director of Wildlife Initiative Mongolia.
Claudio is the co-founder of Wildlife Initiative International.
As an ecologist he has a great experience in working on Mongolian carnivores. Since 2012, he mainly worked on the snow leopard and the Pallas’s cat. He is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), a member of the Steering Committee of the Manul Working Group, and a member of the Snow Leopard Network. He holds collaborations with many researchers and conservation institutions across the world and he is a partner of Snow Leopard Conservancy. As the Wildlife Initiative leader, he coordinates the activities of the NGO throughout the four continents, taking part in the field work and managing the relationships with all the stakeholders. He has been living with his family in Mongolia since 2013.